Legion Bridge 211

The Vltava river full of small boats. Some of them are shaped like a swan or an old American Cadillac. There are also jet skis. The river traffic is intense. Don’t hesitate to participate in this water festival renting your own! Personally I don’t think makes the city more beautiful, but it must be fun. I didn’t do it.





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Vltava bank


Prague may be the city of the thousand towers and have several castles (the largest in Europe), but it would be absolutely nothing without its river. Vltava and its bridges are quite a show not only scenic but also as another street of the city, either we cross it by a cruiser or a boat. Vltava activity never ceases and it is difficult not to witness any boat crossing it or aquatic animals such as swans enjoying it.

This photograph of Legion Bridge is part of Project 57, the artistic project that we make from the BoHo Hotel to show new corners and new perspectives of Prague. You can find it in a large-scale format in room 211 of our hotel.




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