Unknow place 203

Sorry for not being able to help you discover this little alley of the old town. I don’t know how to go back there myself. Do yourself a favor and get lost.





[button link=”https://www.google.es/maps/place/Praga,+Rep%C3%BAblica+Checa/@50.0593325,14.1854451,10z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x470b939c0970798b:0x400af0f66164090″ type=”icon” icon=”search” newwindow=”yes”] SEE IN MAP [/button]

Unknow place

Prague is a city full of history. A history which can be seen and breathe at the ancient streets that transport us to other times and which ,far from looking old and unattractive, still have the ability to whisper stories to the ear of everyone who wants to go and listen.

This photograph of an unknow place is part of Project 57, the artistic project that we make from the BoHo Hotel to show new corners and new perspectives of Prague. You can find it in a large-scale format in room 310 of our hotel.




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