Dancing House 308

I have followed the work of Frank for years in different cities of the world and I met him at a Vitra party in New York… and I love musicals! What else can I say?





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Dancing House


This is the greatest example of the modern Prague, in contrast to the baroque buildings around it that make it stand out even more. Designed by Czech-Croatian architect Vlado Milunić in collaboration with the famous Frank Gehry, it was built in 1992 as a symbol of a new Prague. A beautiful building inspired by the dancers Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, whose inspiration made the picture even more evocative.

This photograph of Dancing House is part of Project 57, the artistic project that we make from the BoHo Hotel to show new corners and new perspectives of Prague. You can find it in a large-scale format in room 308 of our hotel.




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