Memorial to communism victims 207

I’m not a great fan of sculptures, but these ones of Olbram Zoubek moved me somehow… and don’t do as me, visit them at night, they’re terrifying!





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Memorial to communism victims


In the neighborhood of Mala Strana, in Újezd Street, located in a foothill, the visitor finds the memorial for victims of the communist regime that ruled the country between 1948 and 1989. Unlike other memorials, this surprises us because it does not only symbolize the harshness of the regime, but it shows more explicitly the expression and representation of each image. Very impressive.

This photograph of Memorial to communism victims is part of Project 57, the artistic project that we make from the BoHo Hotel to show new corners and new perspectives of Prague. You can find it in a large-scale format in room 307 of our hotel.




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