Kampa Island 107

This photograph was taken at sunset in a small boulevard on Kampa Island, probably one of the last ones taken that day. I remember a gentleman approached to ask me what that strange object was that I used to photograph; I explained how the pinhole cameras worked and its early origins in the writings of Plato. In exchange he gave me some sweets he kept in a box. Afterwards, we both went our way.





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Kampa Island


Kampa Island is not only the pride of the people from Prague. It was declared the second most beautiful urban island in the world, only surpassed by the island of Saint Louis in Paris (which houses the cathedral of Notre Dame). Kampa Island occupies the first place in the ranking of most romantic places in Prague.

This photograph of Kampa Island is part of Project 57, the artistic project that we make from the BoHo Hotel to show new corners and new perspectives of Prague. You can find it in a large-scale format in room 107 of our hotel.




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